...is there an object on or near your desk that you see while
BODYGUARD, Harlequin Intrigue, May 2014
When I'm writing, the main
thing I see is my "ego wall" directly in front of me. Don't get the
wrong idea. I, like most authors I know, suffer horribly from lack of
confidence and extreme self-doubt. That's exactly why I put my book covers, my
books, and awards on that wall. When I'm stuck and thinking everything I write
is horrible, I can see that wall and be reminded that I have succeeded in the
past and if I work hard and keep going I can do it again. That wall is my
confidence booster. Plus, it's just plain fun to look at my book covers. :)
HUNTED, Harlequin MIRA, January 2014
This is what I see from my
desk while I'm working...the gorgeous poster MIRA created for HUNTED, my debut
suspense novel. It definitely keeps me
THE WITCH'S DESIRE, Harlequin Nocturn, May 2014
On my desk is my passport. I'm leaving it there to remind me I
have to renew it soon or it'll expire. Inside it is all the stamps from the
countries I've visited over the past 10 years. Australia, New Zealand, Germany,
France, Canada, England, Ireland, Italy and the Virgin Islands. I love visiting
other countries and want to incorporate some of those locales in my writing so
that others can experience, albeit vicariously, some of those wonderful places.
While reading you don't have to leave the comfort of your own home to visit
places you've always wanted to see. Your mind fills in the blanks and you
escape, no matter where.
I find that my bucket list is comprised primarily of places I
want to see before I die. What about you?
Intrigue, July 2014
Actually, the 'object' I
see while I'm writing is this lovely warming cushion that follows me wherever I
His name is Smoke Monster. I thought, a year ago, when I got him at 3 weeks
old, that I'd name him Smoke Monster and call him Smokie. Um, no. He's Monster.
The name fits. Trust me.
DEAD BY WEDNESDAY, Harlequin Intrigue, Feb 2014
do most of my writing on my sun porch, in an ergonomically incorrect chair with
my laptop computer resting on my folded legs. While this plays havoc with my
lower back, I do have a lovely view outside of my window. Most of the time,
that is. Right now the garden that I overlook is brown and damp and the tree
that anchors that garden is bare to the bones. But in just a matter of weeks,
the flowering crab tree will be amazing, with delicate pink buds. When that
happens, I will spend entirely too much time tree-gazing and not nearly enough
time writing. I promise I'll share a picture when it's in full bloom!
NAVY SEAL SURRENDER, Texas Family Reckoning Book 1,
Harlequin Intrigue, May 2014
Most of the time that I'm
writing, I'm on the couch looking out the window and watching our two pups:
Texas & Roxie along with a foster. But occasionally I sit at my desk to
work. I have a poster of the ocean that says: BREATHE. There are lots of writing
incentives, copies of my books and covers to remind me that dreams come true. Wind
chimes hang from the ceiling, there are pictures I've taken from traveling and
lots of priceless objects that friends have given me.
Montgomery Justice Series - Gabe’s Story, Montlake Romance, Summer 2014
I wish I had something amazingly inspirational that I look
at while I’m writing…but…the truth is, I’m pretty boring. I have a few fun
items above my computer, but actually, I really have to stand up and want to
look at them. Below the fun items are my reference books, dictionary,
thesaurus, etc. But the MOST important item is the white board to the right. My
plotting board. Those little post-its are the scenes of my book…and that’s what
I tend to do at the computer…write. No distractions, no window, the occasional
music (without words)… and me hunkered down. Unless the internet distracts me,
and then I use a fun little program called Freedom that cuts me off from the
web. Like I said, pretty boring.
Harlequin Intrigue, February 2014
Through the window in front of my desk, I can see the summit
of the Malahat, which is an incredibly beautiful stretch of our up-island
highway. The road was carved through
deep rock and spectacular walls of that rock rise up on both sides as you make
the climb. People come from all over the
world to take a drive on our truly amazing Hat.
Do you have something you look at every day?