Monday, June 29, 2009

'Tis the Season

No, not that season. It's now officially summer. Hopefully everyone’s already made their plans for what, if anything, they’re going to be doing this summer. I know I have: I’m going to be ignoring the fact that it’s summer. :D

You see, I’m currently working on a book that’s all about darkness and creepy atmosphere. Think a chill in the air—and down your spine. A spooky old house full of unsettling drafts and ominous shadows. Needless to say, dealing with endless sunlight and the fresh arrival of sweltering heat this weekend really hasn’t been helping me get in the mood. Kind of hard to think “chilling” when it’s in the 90s and you don’t have air conditioning.

But then, summer's always been my least favorite season. Heat's just not my thing. As you can probably guess, I love autumn, when it gets cooler, and grows darker ever earlier. When I lived in colder climes, I always loved winter, especially the snow, no matter the inconvenience. And I love spring: the feeling of new beginnings, the world seeming to come alive again, the sun starting to stick around longer without overstaying its welcome. Compared to them, summer definitely comes in a distant fourth for me.

Of course, my most recent book, A STRANGER'S BABY, takes place in August, but that's because the heroine got pregnant in December, the holiday season being part of the circumstances that led to the one-night stand that, in turn, led to her pregnancy. Plus, I tried to place each of the STRANGER books in a different season to give a sense of the passing of time. You might be able to tell it’s summer based on how scantily clad the hero and heroine are on the cover. See, they don't like the heat either. :D

Fortunately, the story I'm working on now is one I particularly love, one I've been waiting to write forever and I'm glad to finally be doing so, even if it is in this heat. Somehow I'll just have to make myself get in that "chilling" mindset. And I have some vacation plans for later in the summer that will hopefully make it more tolerable until autumn finally arrives. :)

What about you? Do you have a favorite season? Any big summer plans? Or are you just waiting for it to be over, too? ;)

Kerry Connor


  1. ooohhhh, spooky old house....that's one of the "hook" words that makes me pick up a book; one of many *huge grin*, I can't wait!

    I'm one of those people who love summer, the heat, the sunshine; nothing is better than sitting on the back porch on a balmy evening and watching the firefly's and hearing the peepers. We just got back from our vacation in Florida, it was wonderful! And not near long enough!! :D

  2. I've always loved spooky old house stories too and wanted to write one forever. Really excited to finally be doing so. It won't be out until next spring, but I hope you'll keep an eye out for it.

    I'm glad you're enjoying your summer!

  3. I enjoy spooky house stories.
    I also prefer fall and cooler weather. No summer plans here.

  4. Estella,
    Even if you don't have any plans, I hope you have a great summer!
