Tuesday, March 10, 2009

spring is here

We had temps in the 50s today. Not that I got outside much :-( Hubby cut down a giant pine tree that had some disease and was dying off. Cut off the branches first, starting at the bottom. Climbed the stubs, then when he got to the top, he began cutting the tree, chunk by chunk. I had the phone ready to dial 911, but he ended up taking the tree down without an accident. Would it kill him to call a professional? Yes, it would. He's the type of guy who thinks a real man can handle just about anything that comes his way. Why do women like stubborn men? I suppose all that goal-orientedness is appealing. Anyhow, I'm saying my prayers of thanksgiving that he hadn't fallen and broken anything.

I need to start the tomato seedlings inside. I'm so late this year. At least, I cleaned out about a third of the garden. Have you started your spring chores yet?

To celebrate the beginning of this fine season, I have a book out: DESERT ICE DADDY. It's part of the Harlequin Diamond Anniversary promotion. You guessed it, there are some diamonds in the story. Check out my web site for excerpt and a chance to win free books. The hero is a Texas Sheik. What's that? you ask... You'll just have to read the book to find out ;-)

Happy Spring!



  1. My garden is ready to go when it finally warms up. We tilled it last fall and put black plastic over it.

  2. I though for a moment that you were talking about my husband. He has bruises, cuts, and even shocked himself one time doing electrical just to prove he can.

  3. Sorry, spring is not here for me - snow storm today. We've probably gotten about 2 inches and it's still lightly snowing. Very windy too. To top it off, there is ice underneath it. Yippee!! Glad I work from home.


  4. Happy Release Day, Dana. I haven't started spring cleaning chores yet.

  5. There's still plenty of snow, but the sun is shining!

  6. We have been in spring/summer days for the last I don't know how may weeks but today it is winter weather altho not a low as some 50° is cold enough for south Texas. I have "Desert Ice Daddy" in my TBR pile and am looking forward to reading it.
