Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Let's talk about being sexy!

Happy Tuesday!

I wanted to pop in and say ‘hi’, and talk a little bit about a topic that’s partly about Valentine’s Day (which is less than a month away, for the closet and not-so-closet romantics among us) and partly about my January release, UNDER THE MICROSCOPE.

In UTM, drug developer Raine Montgomery becomes a suspect and a target when her newest drug, Thriller, turns lethal. Convinced she and Thriller are both being framed, Raine turns to her ex-flame, medical investigator Max Vasek, for help.

The connection to feeling sexy? Thriller is a female sex-enhancement drug.

The idea for UTM came from a researcher friend who was one of the top dogs in the search for the female Viagra. She once told me it’d probably be impossible to create a reliable female sex enhancement drug because the female response is far more mental than physical, and it’s very individualized. It has less to do with blood flow to any particular body part, and more to do with how we’re feeling about ourselves, and our partners. Granted, that can apply to both men and women, but I think it’s more common in women, don’t you?

As I was writing UTM, it made me think about feeling sexy, and how (for me, at least) it’s connected to feeling good about myself, and feeling. . . powerful, I guess. But how much of that is cause, and how much is effect? Do I feel sexy because I feel powerful and good about myself, or do I feel powerful and good about myself because of sex? I didn’t have an answer for that, which made me think about how the women who used Thriller might change because of the drug, and how that might threaten some people. . . maybe even enough to commit murder.

So anyways. . . what makes you feel sexy? What makes you feel good about yourself? Are they the same things? Different? Anyone have a cool tip for a hot night? [And please keep it PG-rated if you wouldn’t mind, just so we don’t scare anyone off by getting too Blaze-ish on the Intrigue board .]


  1. High heels always work for me. Before the pain sets in, that is.

    Love the idea for your book. A female-enhancing sex drug...gotta love that.


  2. Hey Amanda, thanks for stopping by! LOL on the pain setting in.

    High heels. . . hmm. . . may have to try that. . . am I supposed to wear anything with them, do you think?


  3. Anything else is optional.
